As an owner-operator, accessorials are ultimately your responsibility.
However, as part of CloudTrucks’ offering for Virtual Carrier, we will work to collect your accessorial payments (specifically Detention, Layover, and TONU) from brokers* for up to 2 weeks with no additional fees. This means that if you are receiving Detention, Layover, or TONU payment from a broker we will not apply our 18% fee to that accessorial payment.
If there is no response from the broker within those two weeks, we have to pass the accessorial collection back to you in order to continue servicing new loads for our drivers.
What You Need to Do:
1. Submit your accessorial request as soon as you can (i.e. submit detention after leaving the pickup or delivery facility and TONU after you get confirmation from a broker, but before you leave the facility)
2. Within 24 hours, CloudTrucks will follow up with the broker to get the detention approved and you will be copied on those emails
3. If the detention is not immediately approved, CloudTrucks will continue to follow up approximately every 48 hours - you will be copied on these emails as well.
4. If we don’t get a response after our second follow up, we will reach out to brokers on the phone.
5. If we have not received a response from the broker 2 weeks after your accessorial request submission, CloudTrucks will transfer the accessorial follow up back to you and you will henceforth be responsible for collecting it from the broker. We will provide you a template for following up with the broker as well.
* Policy does not apply to JB Hunt. JB Hunt detention and layovers are to be submitted by CT support using JB Hunt's carrier portal. JB Hunt does not usually provide updated rate cons but rather updates the load price in their portal when an accessorial for Detention/Layover has been approved. JB Hunt may take up to 45 days before approving or denying an accessorial request in their portal.
We will do our part to get your accessorials paid, but we also encourage you to work directly with the broker to get yourself paid. Nobody is a better advocate for your bottom line than you!
Driver Best Practices in General:
- Each broker can have different rates for different accessorials. For example, some brokers may only pay $20/hour for detention, while others pay $60/hour - this is not negotiable. If you want to know a broker’s rates, ask them at the time of booking.
- Detention is typically $40/hour and typically maxes out around 4-5 hours. In most cases detention hours only start to accrue two hours after the appointment, the first two hours are free.
- TONU is typically $150.
- Layover is typically $150/night.
- Accessorials usually cannot be combined.
- For example, if you receive TONU then the broker may not pay for any detention time spent at the shipper.
- Detention and layover at one stop cannot be combined. Once enough time has passed for a delay to become a layover, brokers will typically only pay out the layover rate for that particular stop.
- These policies can vary by broker and situation - it’s always best to confirm these details with the broker in writing.
Best Practices for Detention Specifically:
- You must get in and out times written on the BOL/POD otherwise you will not get paid for detention.
- Typically detention starts two hours after the appointment time, and maxes out at four hours. However, this varies depending on the broker and the rate confirmation document.
- Communicate to the broker when you are entering detention (i.e. when you’ve already been at a facility for 90 minutes after the appt started).
- If you do not show up on time for your appointment, you are very unlikely to get paid detention, no matter how long they make you wait.
- Submit your detention request in the CT app as soon as possible after the detention has concluded (i.e. after leaving the pickup or delivery facility).
Best Practices for TONU Specifically:
- Do not leave a facility without consent and confirmation from the broker. If you do, you may sacrifice your right to a TONU.
- Make sure that you meet all requirements on the rate-con. For example: auto-tracking enabled, a trailer 10 years old or newer, etc. Failing to meet rate-con requirements can disqualify you from TONU.
- CloudTrucks will still collect for any outstanding weekly deductions from loads for which you received a TONU.
- This is not an exhaustive list of qualifications and eligibility requirements. As mentioned, each broker can have their own policies for accessorials. Please collect clarifications on the broker’s accessorial policies in writing before confirming your load.
Deductions on Accessorials
CloudTrucks does not deduct "tier 1" fees from layover, detention, TONU or "driver assist". *Tier 1 is your CT lease on fee, typically 18%.
Stop Off Charge accessorials are the only accessorial that has deductions.
What is a stop off charge? A stop off charge is a fee that a carrier or trucker may charge when a shipment is delivered to multiple locations, or when additional stops are added to an original shipment. The charge is intended to compensate the carrier for the extra handling and transportation costs associated with making additional stops.
If you have any questions regarding these accessorial policies, please reach out to
To learn how to report an accessorial please read this article and watch the short demo video: How to report an accessorial
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