When arriving at a pickup or delivery, we ask you to check in to log your arrival and departure times. This allows us to update brokers and, if needed, secure accessorial payments for you.
How to begin a facility check-in
- Go to the load details page for the load you're checking-in for pick up or delivery
- Follow the instructions on the pop up that slides up from the bottom to check-in
Because the information we get from ratecons can vary from broker to broker, we offer several ways for you to find the appointment number and complete a facility check-in.
How to check-in for pick up
One appointment number provided
If there is only one possible appointment number provided, we will share it with you on the pop up that slides up from the bottom of the load details page.
Share it with the facility and tap check-in to let us know you're there.
No appointment number provided
If there is no appointment number provided, please refer to your ratecon. It can vary where the appointment number is listed on a ratecon from broker to broker, so make sure you read that ratecon closely. We recommend trying all of the appointment numbers at the facility until one of them works.
More than one appointment number provided
If there is more than one appointment number provided, please go to the stop detail page and reference the appointment numbers listed there. Tap check-in once you are approved at the facility.
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