Here are some additional safety & compliance resources, all accessible via your Motive ELD.
If you're having trouble accessing the Vehicle Gateway click HERE
This article will help you resolve any issues you have with connecting to the vehicle gateway - videos & screenshots included!
If your Motive Driver App shows "Unidentified Driving" click HERE
This usually happens when there's a failure connecting to the Vehicle Gateway from the Motive Driver app before you start driving. This article will help you fix the issue and reassign or claim your trips in the Motive Driver App.
To view any HOS violations click HERE
It's important that you abide by CloudTrucks' HOS policies which are in accordance with the DOT's HOS regulations. This article will show you how to view any HOS violations directly in the Motive Driver app.
To learn more about DVIRs click HERE
Completing a DVIR is simple, but many drivers for get to do it. This article walks you through what a DVIR is, how to complete one, and provides more tips for staying compliant.
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