Pay Now is an easy tool you can use to pay your deductions, either directly from your CT Cash balance or from your bank account using ACH.
When is a good time to use Pay Now to pay for my deductions?
It's a good idea to use Pay Now to pay your deductions if you know you're taking some time off driving and don't want to miss any deduction collections. It's also useful to use Pay Now if you want to pay off a deduction ahead of schedule or if you want to set a custom amount to pay off at any point of the week.
How can I access Pay Now from the CT app?
It takes just a few clicks!
1. From the home page of your CT app, tap on 'Deductions'
2. Tap on any deduction
3. Click on the blue 'Make Payment' button
4. Next, choose which payment method you'd like to use. You can select either your CT Cash balance or your linked bank account
Note: If you are actively running loads currently, it is best to select "CT Cash" balance to make a payment, because the payment will clear instantly. If you won't be running a load for the next 3 business days, then it is fine to select your linked bank account to make the payment.
5. Choose a payment amount. You can pay your total remaining balance (for any non-recurring deductions), your weekly remaining balance, or a custom amount
6. Tap 'Submit Payment' and your payment will be submitted!
How long will it take for my payment to be applied?
If you pay using your CT Cash balance your payment will be applied immediately. If you pay using your bank account, it will take several business days. Please read the FAQ below for more info.
Video Demos
Pay Now via CT Cash Balance
Pay Now via Bank Account
Pay Now via Bank Account FAQ
How quickly will CloudTrucks trigger the ACH pull once I complete the steps to pay a deduction using Pay Now from my bank account?
We will trigger the ACH by the end of the day.
How long will it take for the transaction to settle and pull the funds from my bank account?
It will take 3 to 4 business days for the ACH to settle and for your bank to notify CloudTrucks that the transaction was successful.
During this time, while the payment is still pending, deductions will still be taken out of your job payments. If for any reason we collect more money from any job than you owe for the total deduction in a given week, once the payment settles from your bank account, the extra amount will be automatically deposited into your CT Cash balance as a reimbursement.
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