At CloudTrucks, teams can have multiple CT Cash or Fuel card holders under one account. Team admins can request both a physical and virtual card for each of their team members. Admins can set a weekly spend limit on each team member to manage risk.
Can I use multiple CT Cash cards as a way to pay my drivers?
No, the Multi Cardholder program is not a payroll management system. Instead, think of it as a way for your drivers to access your team’s CT Cash balance to pay for expenses such as fuel.
How are the Cash cards funded?
Like the primary CT Cash card on the account, the card is funded from your CT Cash Balance. So if a driver swipes on their card, the funds will be deducted from your CT Cash Balance.
How do I add a new cardholder?
Only team admins can add or manage cardholders. To add a new cardholder follow the steps below.
- Go to your Cash tab in the app and tap "More options" at the bottom of the screen
- Select “Manage Card”
- At this point, a webpage will open for cardholder management. Click "Add cardholder".
- Select whether you want to create a Fuel card or a Cash card
- Fill in the cardholder details
- Select the Fleet Member to add from the drop-down
- Set a weekly spend limit. If you don’t want to limit the fleet member, select the checkbox that allows the cardholder to access the CT Cash balance with no limit
- Confirm the shipping address for the fleet member. Make sure that your fleet member will be available to sign for the physical card.
- Select “Confirm Cardholder” to add the fleet member as a cardholder. This will create a virtual card for them as well as ship out their physical card.
- Once the fleet member receives their physical card, they can go to the CT Cash tab in their app to activate the card.
What if the person I want to add is not in the Fleet Member dropdown?
If you try and add a person and do not see them in the Fleet Member dropdown, please make sure that they have already been added to your fleet. Only fleet members will show up on the Add Cardholder page.
To add a fleet member, go to Settings >> Fleet Profile
Can I change the weekly limit after creating the cardholder?
Yes, you can always change the weekly limit for a cardholder by going to your CT Cash tab.
How do I edit a cardholder’s spending limit?
Only team admins can add or manage cardholders and if you edit a spending limit it goes into effect immediately.
To change a cardholder's spending limit follow the steps below:
- Go to your CT Cash tab in the app and tap "More Options"
- Select “Manage Card”
- Select the correct tab for the card you want to edit: Cash or Fuel
- Scroll until you see the cardholder that needs to be edited. Next to their name, you will see a pencil icon, which gives you the ability to edit their weekly limit.
- Tap 'Save change' once you're finished
When are spending limits refreshed?
Limits are refreshed once a week on midnight UTC on Sunday.
Midnight UTC on Sunday = 7pm ET on Saturday, 6pm CT on Saturday, 5pm MT on Saturday, or 4pm PT on Saturday
How do I view a cardholder’s spending activity?
Only team admins can see spending activity for all cardholders. Team drivers can only see their own spending activity.
To manage a cardholder's spending activity follow the steps below:
- Go to your CT cash tab in the app and tap the 'See activity' button.
- From the Activity tab, you can see all transactions across cards. The cardholder’s initials will be next to the transactions that they are responsible for.
Can I set category-specific spending limits?
No, at this time you cannot limit spend to specific categories.
How do I lock a single card or deactivate a cardholder?
To lock a single card or deactivate a cardholder, follow the steps below. Deactivation is a permanent revoking of a card. To temporarily lock a card, you can change the weekly limit to zero ($0.00).
- Go to your Cash tab in the app and tap "More Options"
- Select “Manage Card”
- Select the correct tab for the card you want to edit: Cash or Fuel
- Scroll until you see the cardholder with the card that needs to be locked.
- Select the 3 dots next to the card, and choose “Deactivate” or "Change Weekly Limit" from the menu.
A driver can also lock their own card. They should do this if they suspect fraud on their card.
What happens when a cardholder is deactivated?
The cards under that cardholder will immediately be deactivated as well. If you have a team member who is no longer driving for your team, we recommend that you immediately deactivate them.
If you’d like to reactivate a cardholder, please contact CloudTrucks support.
Do fuel discounts and other discount programs work on all cards?
Discounts are only applicable through in-app purchases on the CT Fuel network, or by using the Fuel Card for qualifying cash back expenses. Fuel discounts will not be applicable on the CT Cash card.
Can admins activate cards for drivers?
No, only the cardholder can activate the card. This is to prevent a case where the card is accidentally activated before the driver receives it, and helps prevent fraud.
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