If you're searching for loads and want to compare a couple before you book, bookmarking loads is a great option!
How to bookmark a load
CloudTrucks offers two ways to bookmark a load - directly from the load board or from the load details page.
On the CT mobile app
On the CT desktop app
How to view your bookmarked loads
On the CT mobile app
Tap on the bookmark icon on the top right of CT load board page in your app and you'll see all the loads you bookmarked.
On the CT desktop app
Click the 'Bookmarked loads' button on the top left of the load board search page
How to remove a bookmarked load
To remove a bookmarked load simply click on the blue bookmark icon one more time and that load will be removed from your bookmarked loads list.
How long do loads remain bookmarked?
We want to make sure that you're only seeing loads you can still book no matter what. That's why bookmarked loads will only remain bookmarked for 24 hours. If a broker has removed a load that you've previously bookmarked before you've booked it, it will no longer appear on your bookmarked loads list either.
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