Learn all about how our safety scorecard feature works, how we score, and how you can use it to stand out to brokers and book the best loads.
What is the driver safety scorecard feature?
The driver safety scorecard aggregates all of your safety performance data into a single comprehensive view. It takes into consideration many different factors and indicators, such as hours of service behaviors, compliance with CloudTrucks policies, and accidents and road violations to show you what you’re doing well on and where you can improve.
It also takes all of these events into consideration in a weighted average calculator to provide you with a single numerical ‘safety score’ from 0-100.
Why is it an important feature?
The safety of our fleet is essential. It’s not only important in terms of road and personal safety, but also helps us provide our drivers with access to better loads when they can showcase themselves as safe drivers. The best brokers and shippers want to work with the safest fleets.
We’ve successfully integrated safety data from multiple platforms into one, making it easier for us to holistically consider your performance for recognition or coaching conversations, and easier for you to understand your performance so you know what’s working and what needs more work.
You can view your driving behaviors, accidents, road violations, and compliance data in one place, so you can see a full picture of how you’re doing. You can (and should!) also share this data with brokers as you’re trying to secure a load.
How does CloudTrucks calculate the numerical safety score?
We look at 20+ different factors and indicators with various weights to determine each driver’s numerical safety score. We consider events from different categories, like regulatory, on-road, and compliance. Actions that have higher impacts on safety (like speeding, for example) are weighed more heavily.
Here’s an example of how driving over the speed limit factors into our calculation:
If you are speeding 1% of your drive time at 1 mile per hour over the posted limit, that might not negatively impact your score as much as if you are speeding 15 miles per hour for the same amount of drive time. This is because we assign a higher weight to the action that has a higher impact on safety.
What are the different safety categories considered and where does CloudTrucks get the data for each category?
We look at three main categories. Regulatory, On-Road, and Compliance:
- Regulatory is data that comes in through the FMCSA as a result of roadside inspections. An example of regulatory data includes accidents or other driving violations.
- On-road is data collected via your Motive ELD, such as Hours of Service compliance.
- Compliance data comes from our internal checks on driver safety, like making sure your CDL is not expired.
What are the different types of safety scorecard ratings and what does each one mean?
There are four different safety scorecard ratings you can receive: Excellent, Satisfactory, Needs improvement, and Needs attention.
Here’s what each rating means:
- ‘Excellent’ means your safety score is between 90 and 100. You’re doing a great job and there are little or no factors affecting your safety score. Keep up the great work!
- ‘Satisfactory’ means your safety score is between 80 and 89. Please be attentive to your safety practices as your score was impacted by some minor factors. Reach out to our team if you need assistance.
- ‘Needs improvement’ means your safety score is between 70 and 79. Please be careful. Certain factors need close monitoring and possible adjustment for you to improve your safety score. Reach out to our team if you need assistance.
- ‘Needs attention’ means your safety score is between 0 and 69. The Safety team will contact you to provide guidance on how to improve your score.
How often is my safety scorecard refreshed?
Your safety scorecard is refreshed every 24 hours.
How can I improve my safety score?
The best way to improve your safety score and the information you find on your safety scorecard is to continue driving safely, follow all road rules and compliance measures, get clean DOT inspections, and keep all of your administrative tasks and documents organized and up to date.
How long will each factor listed continue impacting my safety score?
This varies from factor to factor. A small infraction will likely continue impacting your safety score for less time than a larger infraction.
We encourage you to continue practicing safe driving behaviors, keeping your documents updated (not letting them expire), and getting clean DOT inspections to see improvements.
How long will it take me to improve my safety score?
It’s difficult to determine how long it will take you to improve your safety score because every driver is different. But as mentioned above, the more time you spend practicing safe driving behaviors, including keeping your documents up-to-date and getting clean inspections, the quicker your score and the information on your scorecard will improve. The more you practice safe driving behaviors, you will build up good habits and see your score improve.
Will my safety score affect the types of loads I can see and book on the CloudTrucks load board?
No it will not. While we encourage you to strive for the best safety scorecard possible to secure the best loads, you will not be limited in the loads you can see and book on the CloudTrucks loadboard.
I’m a new driver, what will my safety score be when I start?
All new drivers start off with an ‘Excellent’ safety score of 100. As any safety events arise, those factors will show up on your scorecard in their respective categories. Tap into any category to review the specific factors affecting your scorecard.
Who can view safety scorecards in the CloudTrucks app?
All drivers can view their safety scorecards in the CloudTrucks app. Admins will not have their own safety scorecard as they do not drive, but they can view the safety scorecards of all of the drivers in their fleet.
Where can I find my safety scorecard in-app?
Towards the top of the home page just below ‘Weekly Revenue’ you’ll see a section that says ‘Safety score’ with your safety rating next to it. Tap on the arrow next to the rating and you’ll be redirected to our main safety score page.
From there you can tap on the blue button next to your safety rating to learn more about all of our different ratings and what they mean.
Tap on any of the three main sections - driving behaviors, accidents & violations or compliance - to see the different factors affecting your score.
Here’s a walk through video you can watch with more details:
Can I share my safety scorecard with brokers or shippers outside of CloudTrucks?
Yes! In fact, we encourage you to. Feel free to screenshot your safety scorecard (we think the main page is the best one to show) and send it to brokers and shippers you’re trying to book loads with. Showing them this information should help squash any questions they may have about how safe you are as a driver.
Am I able to share any feedback or ask a question about data I see in-app?
Yes. You can share feedback or ask a question about an accident or violation you see on your safety score card in-app by filling out the form linked at the bottom of the details page. Once you submit the form, a member of the Safety & Compliance team will review and reach out to you.
Will I get in trouble with CloudTrucks if my safety scorecard rating is ‘Needs Attention’? Am I at risk of suspension?
If your safety scorecard rating is ‘Needs attention’, a member of the safety & compliance team will be reaching out to you to discuss your performance and develop a plan of action to improve your safety. We know things happen when you’re on the road, but we urge you to continue to practice safe driving behaviors, getting clean inspections, and keeping all of your documents up-to-date in your permit book to ensure your safety score continues to improve.
Does CloudTrucks share my scorecard information with anyone else?
We use the data from your safety scorecard internally to ensure we’re keeping our entire Virtual Carrier fleet as safe as possible. From time to time we may share data with insurance carriers, shippers, and brokers to provide you with the best rates, but it will always be aggregated and anonymized to protect your identity. We take great care to safeguard your data - check out our Privacy Policy.
Who can I contact if I have a question about my safety score?
Please contact the Safety & Compliance team at safety@cloudtrucks.com or call 628-270-1844 (7am-6pm CST M-F) if you have any questions about your safety scorecard.
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